Red Bull Media changes the game for televised sports

Riding mountain bikes is pretty fun, learning the skills and techniques required to master obstacles and seeing progress as you clean sections you had to walk last month is awesome. For many people, mountain biking is more about personal achievement than competition and, while most roadies will pin on a number and compete, most mountain […]

Once a year, the best cyclists in the world gather to ride on the worst roads in Northern France

Once a year, the best cyclists in the world gather to ride on the worst roads in Northern France. If it rains, it’s even better. If you’re not familiar with Paris- Roubaix, it seems stupid, but if you know anything about road cycling, you’ll know that the 25okm race, with is 54km of baby’s head […]

Kate’s Training Blog: Tips for Travelling

Traveling to race is an unforgettable experience. It’s hard to beat the opportunity to explore a new place, race cyclocross, and compete against a different crop of riders. Still, the travel will impact your routine, and it’s better to be prepared. Many of us have our local pre-race routine dialed. Starting several days before the […]

Kate’s Training Blog: In Season Training

Cyclocross racing completely drains my body. The effort alone is enough that I struggle walking up stairs the following day. Once you combine the actual race intensity with pre-riding, warming up, cooling down, cleaning equipment, traveling, and hanging outside all day, and my body needs some serious recovery. As the season gets underway, we all […]